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Friday, August 5, 2011

Smoking really is uncool

So I am learning some amazing things while here at Portland. But this is a lesson you would never expect to learn. I guess it is the frame of mind I am in right now that allows me to draw lessons from the most mundane events.

I was walking down the street, back from a delightful lunch hour at J cafe, along NE 6 th Avenue and casually glanced at the bunch of smokers who hang around Liberty Centre at that hour. And then I just kept looking and all I saw were women. No offense t these ladies, bless them all, but somehow they were all visibly obese, with an unfit look about them. And I thought to myself, isn't that the truth.

Most men and women I know who smoke started because it was the 'cool' thing to do. That's probably because the 'cool' guy/gal in movies is often seen using the cigarette as an 'appeal enhance'. Now imagine replacing that cool guy with this image of unhealthiness. Would the cigarette still hold that appeal to the young mind?

Worth exploring, no?

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you here, smoking is uncool. Our movies have symbolised smoking as a sign of liberation. So many movies do that, and yes that's the influence. Sigh!
